Saturday, March 26, 2011

blah blah

Well I've spent today making more jewellery for my store things are going really slowly because I've been crook and it has left me so tired. All I want to do is go off to zzzzzzzzzzz land but unfortunately my insomnia is still stronger so I look like a zombie and mine brain is working about as well any way not much more been happening except running round after my boyz oh and forgot to let you know I think I am winning this war with fleas. Sill got them but not anywhere near as many, bring on the cold weather.
Anyway not much else so I will say "adieu" for 2nite.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Well on the weekend past we decided it was time to do the de-fleaing and worming wasn't that a task.  We have an Alaskan malamute, Irish wolfhound, Great Dane, Chihuahua and Mal-chi a tabby cat a huge rabbit and various other species (chooks, fish budgies) so you can imagine the task along with the size of my family.  Ok so the dogs have all been washed twice with flea shampoo worm tablets given flea spot on treatments and flea tablets, the flea powder for extra measure. Mallawash all bedding and outside areas applied lime along wall periter outside flea bombed inside and roof cavity. Then we did the cat and added a flea collar instead of spot on.Now I know your thinkin' this girl is crazy that is overkill even a cockroach couldn't survive an assault like that because hey that's what I thought but guess what.
Drum roll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We still have fleas.
I swear there is twice as many. Help what do I do I'm going around the bend I know they reckon Australian fleas have been building up an immunity but this is ridiculous.
I suppose on the plus side at least there is no evidence of worms'
any way till next time
Blessed be

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Getting started

March 6 2011

I'm really new at this. I have never blogged before or even participated in chat, though I've read many and do use social networks like face book but I have decided it's time to keep a journal and since my life is an open book because I don't bother to hide anything about myself I figure what can it hurt to write where the world can read it , criticize, judge, compliment or even laugh at what is going through my mind at the time.
Well I don't know how regular I will be about this because if you glance at my about me you will see that at times I've got a pretty full plate but after all these years I am finally learning the meaning of "me time". I can tune out the world and go lalala and visit the little aliens in my head (my happy place where everyone admits when they do something and still remember to be nice to each other)lol.
Any way I thought you might like to know a bit more about me so that you will understand why sometimes my mind wanders and I go off on a total different direction (sometimes mid sentence).  Now where was I ? oh, yea I am a 35 yr old sing le aussie living in a town with a population of 110 on a good day, 8 of which live in my house. There is Me yay my mum, my boys KJ who is 15 and in yr 10, DK who is 14 in yr 9, MJ 13 in yr 8 and CD and CR who are both 11 and in yr 6, also my 'lil sis is staying while she changes her life direction.
I love mother nature and think she is having a bit of a fit at the moment NB the cyclones, floods,earthquakes and fires we are experiencing this year. I say we pay attention 'cause she is not happy. I like to support causes by spreading the word as I can't afford to donate (which upsets me but I need to make sure my kids come first no matter what anyone else thinks). I am a strong believer in being yourself  no matter what else happens because if you are true to you then you will find lasting happiness unlike those that just try to make everyon else happy and end up losing the joy being alive brings.
my advice to anyone and everyone who needs a thought for the day is ;
         Stop look around and find something beautiful in your life , a smile, a smell. a bird tweeting or cricket chirping, the colour of the sky after a storm anything you can find and share the feeling you get from it by doing something nice for another person wheather you know them or they are a total stranger it will make a special memory that people care.

LUV RavenNyx