Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Well on the weekend past we decided it was time to do the de-fleaing and worming wasn't that a task.  We have an Alaskan malamute, Irish wolfhound, Great Dane, Chihuahua and Mal-chi a tabby cat a huge rabbit and various other species (chooks, fish budgies) so you can imagine the task along with the size of my family.  Ok so the dogs have all been washed twice with flea shampoo worm tablets given flea spot on treatments and flea tablets, the flea powder for extra measure. Mallawash all bedding and outside areas applied lime along wall periter outside flea bombed inside and roof cavity. Then we did the cat and added a flea collar instead of spot on.Now I know your thinkin' this girl is crazy that is overkill even a cockroach couldn't survive an assault like that because hey that's what I thought but guess what.
Drum roll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We still have fleas.
I swear there is twice as many. Help what do I do I'm going around the bend I know they reckon Australian fleas have been building up an immunity but this is ridiculous.
I suppose on the plus side at least there is no evidence of worms'
any way till next time
Blessed be

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