Friday, September 30, 2011

shhhh don't tell anyone I'm crazy

Wow I am so tired. Just had to get that out of the way lol. Don't even have a reason -oh well.Now what did i say I was going to talk about tonight/???????? hmmm thats right I was going to talk about my room changes and the pups. Since the pups were actually first I will do them.
i have a 12mth old chihuahua named Chui. He is absolutely gorgeous with the personality of giant can you tell I love him? Well the randy little bugger managed to get my sisters malchi (maltese x chihuahua) which is half his size preggers and that waswith us trying to keep them separate. anyways 62 days later she goes into labour after spending a couple of weeks looking like a keg on legs and 12 hrs later the poor bugger is exhausted and no nearer to delivery so my sis races her over to the vet snd now $800 later and an emergency caesarian we ended up with 3 little boy puppies that when lined end to end they were longer than her. Well they are cute little critters and now its 2 weeks later and their eyes and ears(?) are open and they are trying so hard to crawl you can allready see their personalities evolving. well there will be more on them at a later time as I keep you up-to-date on their progress.
Now to me and my irrational need to keep changing things. I decided I needed a bigger and brighter craft room so I moved it into our foyer after closing the front door off, people will just have to use my store entrance (advertising? lol)   now since my craft room had previously been a cordoned off area of my room decided all that space could be put to better use by housing 2 kids instead of 1 adult cue room swap, I move into their long skinny room and masters 11 and 12 move into my much wider room giving them several more square meters of space, as you can see 1 little idea for me always ballons into something bigger and every 1 just thinks I'm crazy, well I have been known to post a "you are here'' map on facebook because my front door moved 3 times in 1 week once.

Well thats it for tonight my eyes feel like sandpaper so I might try and get a early night haha


random trivia.... by slowly raising your legs and lying on your back you wont sink in quicksand

Thursday, September 29, 2011

it never just rains but pours

Well it's been a while but I am back.  Last night lying in bed on the laptop just surfing away and paying bills, I'm listening to the lulling sound of rain on our tin roof. Ahhhh nice I hear you say, it was, until I hear 'drip, drip drip, plop'. You guessed it the rain just came through the roof. Here I am with an injured left wrist (old wooden door fell on it last Saturday) yelling for my kids to get up to give me a hand whilst trying to find buckets to catch the water, when I realise the 42in plazma is about a foot off also getting a good soaking. OMG freak mode. My 15 yr old is away woking with his grandfather on a stock truck, my 16 yr old is almost zombie like from doing 12hr days on a local farm during the school holidays, the 12 yr old is (still buzzed up on cake and apple/blackcurrent turnovers due to haveing been his birthday ) is only 132mm high and the other 2 (master's 11 and 14) are scattered looking for buckets, towels and mops bless their souls. How do I move it? push-shove and in strolls Master 16 "what" small grunt and he has tv and unit a metre and a half across the room. 'Thanxs your a hero' and he's not even there, he promptly turned around and went right back to bed and sound asleep. If only it was so easy.
So i send the others off to bed realise this all only took 10 minutes but I'd love a coffee anyway and what do you know we are out, really tempted to cry here. Decide on haveing a glass of milk instead and going back to bed and trying the sleep idea. After all I know how my mind works.
Woke up feeling quite stiff to an incredibly horrid day and decide well why clean when you can move......mwahaha...... once you know me you'll see I do this often but now after all the room changes I am exhausted so I am going to get an early night and bid you all adieu before the clock strikes midnight and will leave you with the promise that I will return tomorrow night and tell you about the house changes and remind me to tell you all about our puppies


random trivia--- in Massachusetts it is illegal to grow a goatie without a permit LMAO